Just so we are absolutely clear - you cannot learn how to be a recruitment consultant by reading this handbook Ð However, used in conjunction with your Ôon the job trainingÕ and alongside ÔThe 4/13/65 Recruitment PlannerÕ, this handbook will prove invaluable for keeping you performing at your very best.
This book is about being able to re-fire your memory cells to ensure when you perform a particular task you remember all the little things that make the task more dollar productive and you get the most out of your time spent doing it. A memory jogger, if you like, specifically designed for the recruitment industry.
ÔHave youÕ Ð Have you done everything you needed to do to prepare for the task ahead. ItÕs not about over preparation but it is about being ready. This section gives you a few pointers to remind you of the information or the preparation you need to do before you start.
ÔAlwaysÕ & ÔNeverÕ - Pretty self explanatory really, these separate sections talk about the absolute DoÕs & DonÕts of each task.